Mastermind Course Lessons

This course will enlighten and encourage you to document the journeys you've been holding on to.. Our Black Community has so many revelations, contributions, and talents that have yet to be written. As a repat living in Africa, I realize that our traditions of storytelling, whether fiction or non-fiction are the gems society needs us to release...

    1. Evolve in Your Light...

    1. Lesson 1

    1. Lesson 2

    1. Lesson 3

    1. Lesson 4

    1. Lesson 5

Dr. Adrienne is a Scientific Editor & Informaticist, Best-selling Indie Author, & African-American woman impacting health in Africa for the last 17 years:

  • $77.00
  • 13 lessons

It's time to write your book.

You've imagined your craft.
Now, I will support you in making it reality...